Saturday, June 22, 2013

Linen First Time Come To Earth



     some day some group kind  linen and I with him we want to learn about humans and we don't know this name so we choose name it is (p.b.a.b.) it place blue and Brown (Earth ) .However first think were Surprises  it is so different color black and whate and anther thing it is different like some one tall and anther one short and some ages ?? it is so different for us . you can find some one fat or thin and some ages .But there have a lot of king .But we only have one king for all the places .But there not ,every group have at some places have king. And fight each ether every time. we don't believe this human walk like us .But there walk like stooped because there have tall legged  and tall Facility with big body and small head .There have liquid inside their body it is red and and  hot .They rat every thing like animal or tree or drink some thing I try to drink but it is so salty and cold or some times hot and sweet .But I see something I don't understand there called felling *
there called love or mad or sad ........ a lot of feeling .If there so sad or so sick  there cry and and some thing comes out from their eyes like water after while they are feeling good *.
I think the human so fuzzy and we need more time for learn how can their life . 

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